Starbase Aerial Archive

Year: 2021


B3 on Pad A
S20 on Pad B
B4 on OLM
GSE-4 test tank behind the big crane

2021/12/21: Launch Site

2021/11/30: Launch Site

2021/10/6: B3, B4 and S20 at the Launch Site

2021/9/21: S20, B4, B3 at Launch Site

The Ship Quick Disconnect Arm was getting ready for installation onto the Tower.
The Chopsticks were getting their finishing touches ahead of integration and installation onto the Tower.
The Orbital Tank Farm had a GSE Tank and many covers missing.
More piping was staged ready to get installed near the OLM, and the main feed lines to the Orbital Launch Mount were still missing as well.

2021/8/24: OLM and Tank Farm work.

2021/8/24: Launch Site

2021/8/19: Launch Tower & OLM

2021/8/13: S20 Arrives at Launch Site

2021/8/6: First Full Stack

2021/8/6: B4S20 Full Stack

2021/8/6: S20 stacking on B4

2021/8/5: Launch Site

2021/8/4: B4 Lifted on OLM

2021/6/15: Oil Rig

2021/5/25: Launch Site and SN15

Landed earlier this month on May 5.

2021/5/21: Launch Site and SN15

SN15 on Pad A
Tower foundations taking shape
GSE tanks installed

2021/4/20: Launch Site

2021/3/30: Post SN11 Flight RUD

SN11 on Pad B

2021/3/23: Launch Site

2021/3/12: Launch Site with SN11

2021/3/5: Launch Site and SN10 Remains

SN10 on the Landing Pad post flight

2021/3/4: Launch Site

SN10 on Pad A

2021/2/26: Launch Site

SN10 on Pad B

2021/2/19: Launch Site

SN10 was cryo tested 2 days before.

2021/2/10: Launch Site and SN10

SN9 on the Landing Pad
SN10 on Pad A

2021/2/2: Launch Site

2021/2/2: SN9 Remains and SN10

SN9 on Pad B
SN10 on Pad A

2021/1/30: Launch Site

SN9 on Pad B

2021/1/14: Launch Site

SN9 on Pad B
SN8 on the Landing Pad post flight

2021/1/1: Launch Site

SN8 on the Landing Pad post flight
SN9 on PadB

2021/1/1: Launch Site

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