Starbase Aerial Archive

Year: 2020

Subject: OLM

2020/12/16: OLM Legs Poured with Concrete

The OLM's six columns are all raised at this point, propped up by support structure.
Submitted 04/25/24

2020/9/24: OLM

Submitted 04/25/24

2020/9/12: Five OLM Leg Columns Installed + Rebar

Submitted 04/25/24

2020/8/27: OLM Leg Rebar Installation Progress

Submitted 04/25/24

2020/8/27: OLM Leg Casings Staged Before Installation

The first of six OLM leg casings was lifted into place before being poured with concrete. Note the 6-pointed stabilization structure.
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/20: OLM Leg Casing

The first OLM leg casing was lifted into place. 
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/20: OLM Leg Casing Part II

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/14: OLM Legs' Rebar Cages

The rebar for the pile cap for the first OLM was laid in early August 2020 and disintegrated in late April 2023. 
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/7: OLM Pile Cap Rebar

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/30: Closeup: OLM Foundations Poured with Concrete

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/20: OLM Rebar Foundations

The rebar to form two out of six legs of the OLM can also be seen. Little did we know, we would see this exact same rebar again in three years following the destruction of Flight 1.
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/14: OLM Foundation Rebar

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/5: OLM: Just a Dirt Circle For Now

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