Starbase Aerial Archive

Year: 2020

Subject: HIGHBAY

2020/12/16: SN9 in High Bay

2020/11/27: SN9 Fully Stacked

Submitted 04/25/24

2020/9/24: Highbay and SN8

The right side of Highbay would feature a bar.
Submitted 04/25/24

2020/9/24: Highbay Roof Beams

Submitted 04/25/24

2020/9/12: High Bay Roof Construction

Submitted 04/25/24

2020/8/27: Final Level in Progress

4th level of Highbay was finished by this flyover.
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/20: Highbay - Up to Level 4

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/14: Highbay Level 3

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/7: Highbay (zoomed out)

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/7: Highbay Level 4

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/30: Highbay Level 2

Prefabricated panel for level 2 of Highbay is lifted.
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/20: Highbay Level 2 Lift

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/14: Highbay First Floor

The crane will be used to stack sections for the first floor.
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/6: Highbay Construction, Blue Crane Raised

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/6: Highbay Foundations

Steel for the first floor is staged nearby.
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/6/23: Highbay Foundations

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