Starbase Aerial Archive

Year: 2020


2020/12/29: Build Site

2020/12/16: Build Site

SN8 outside Midbay.
Submitted 04/25/24

2020/9/24: Birds' Eye View

Submitted 04/25/24

2020/9/12: SN5 and SN6 outside Midbay

Submitted 04/25/24

2020/9/12: Birds' Eye View, Part II

Submitted 04/25/24

2020/9/12: Build Site

Submitted 04/25/24

2020/8/27: Birds' Eye View

Submitted 04/25/24

2020/8/27: Angled View

Submitted 04/25/24

2020/8/27: Build Site & Village

SN10's flaps on the left. Exactly what nosecone serial numbers these are remain a mystery.
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/20: Nosecones + SN10 Flaps

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/20: Build Site Birds' Eye View

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/14: Birds' Eye View

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/14: Lowbay and Tents

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/14: Build Site with Highbay

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/7: Employee Tiki Bar

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/7: Build Site

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/7: Build Site

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/30: High Bays + Tents

Extension to both sides of the GSE Building, used to construct production jigs and similar.
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/30: GSE Building "PizzaHut"

Multiple nosecones seen staged outside nosecone production Tent 3. Taller nosecone in Lowbay likely to be future HLS mockup. MK1 Nosecone is behind. Note the difference in weld quality.
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/30: Lowbay and MK1 Nosecone

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/30: Build Site

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/20: Birds' Eye View

Level 2 of Highbay starts construction.
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/20: Build Site

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/14: Angled View

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/14: Build Site and Boca Chica Village

Note the first floor has been constructed.
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/14: Build Site with Highbay

Note the additional steel staged near Highbay foundation.
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/6: Build Site

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/6: Highbay and Stargate

High Bay foundations can be seen to the right of the Stargate building. 
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/6/23: Build Site + High Bay

SN5 and SN6 in the Midbay.
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/6/23: Midbay

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/6/23: Tracking Stations & Boca Chica Village

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/6/23: Birds' Eye View

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