Starbase Aerial Archive


2022/5/13: Starhopper

He gets pretty ignored nowadays doesn't he...

2022/3/16: Where's Hoppy?

2020/12/29: SN9 and Hoppy

Submitted 04/25/24

2020/8/27: Hoppy

Even back then, Hoppy was retired
Submitted 04/24/24

2020/8/20: Hoppy

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/7/6: SN5 and Hoppy

Submitted 04/24/24

2020/6/23: Starhopper Oversees SN7 Test

The third untethered flight of Starhopper would occur 3 days later on August 27, 2019. It would go on to be used as a water tank, then a weather station complete with a wind sock.
Submitted 04/23/24

2019/8/24: Three Days Before Flight

Submitted 04/23/24

2019/8/24: Man for Scale

Submitted 04/23/24

2019/3/3: Starhopper in March

Starhopper gained its signature blunt shape 
Submitted 04/23/24

2019/1/25: Starhopper, Noseless

Submitted 04/23/24

2019/1/14: Starhopper (landscape)

Submitted 04/23/24

2019/1/12: Starhopper Closeup

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